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The Beer Trip Agency

The Brew Academia Odyssey

Bob and his TAs are going on a trip

Oh wait, what are you telling me? You don’t want to travel all together? But why, what’s going on? Oh no, Manoel and Akhil are not friends anymore, because Manoel didn’t wake up when Bob was away to put the sound on in the amphitheatre and Akhil had to quit everything he was doing to do it for him. Mmmh and given the fact that Manoel, Marija, Martin and Mohammad are best friends and that Akhil is Bob’s right-hand man, it seems that two groups are naturally formed.

Oh, what are you telling me, Bob? Beatriz had done such a great job during the semester that you want to go on holiday with her as a reward!

Group number 1: B.A.B.T. Beaters (Bob, Akhil, Beatriz and Tim )

Group number 2: The MMMMagnificent Four (Manoel, Marija, Martin and Mohammad)

OK, that's not a problem for us! we can design two different trips to keep everyone happy.

The atmosphere was bubbling with excitement as two groups of intrepid beer enthusiasts were gearing up for the ultimate beer-centric escapade. Little did they know that the merging of their individual beer odysseys would be a tale as rich and varied as the beers they looked for.

The MMMMagnificent Four – Martin, Marija, Manoel, and Mohammad – stood united in their passion for beer. Martin and Mohammad, known for their refined palates that could identify the nuances in the finest beers, were a strong duo in the world of brewing sophistication. Marija, with her penchant for good beer and a certain alcoholic kick, added a lively dimension to the group. Meanwhile, Manoel's enthusiasm for efficacity brought a pragmatic element to their collective journey.

The B.A.B.T. Beaters – Bob, Akhil, Beatriz, and Tim – represented a diverse spectrum of beer appreciation. Tim and Beatriz, whose interests extended beyond the brew to the environment, people, and places, were the heart and soul of the group. Akhil, armed with a mission to document rare brews, brought a unique flavor to the team. As for Bob, the wise and experienced professor, he took a guidance role, allowing the enthusiasm of his assistants to shine.

As the BTA team worked on merging these individual tales into two grand sagas, decisions had to be made. The question remained: Whose beer preferences should hold more weight in crafting the ultimate beer tour?

In the MMMMagnificent Four's world, the air was thick with the scent of robust brews. Martin and Mohammad, the seasoned beer aficionados, were the crowned kings of this beery realm and their opinion led the way. Marija, with her love for good beer and a splash of alcohol, added her notes to the brew, while Manoel, the brewery lover, contributed his practical touch. The concoction was one of refined palates, bold choices, and a dash of pragmatism.

On the flip side, in the B.A.B.T. Beaters' camp, a different melody played. Tim and Akhil, with their broader appreciation for the world around the beer, were given the conductor's baton. Their preferences weren't just about the beer; they were about the ambiance, the people, and the places. Akhil, the documentarian of rare brews, brought his distinct notes to the composition. And Bob, the wise professor, gracefully stepped back, recognizing that sometimes the journey is as important as the destination.

So, as the BTA team weaved these stories into the fabric of the ultimate beer-tasting adventures, they did so with an understanding that every sip told a tale. The MMMMagnificent Four's journey, led by Martin and Mohammad's refined palates, was a symphony of robust flavors. In the B.A.B.T. Beaters' world, Tim and Akhil took the lead, orchestrating a melody that went beyond the glass, embracing the world around the beer. The dicscovery of rare brews style and new people was the driving force behind their journey.

Embarking on their global beer odysseys, both the MMMMagnificent Four and B.A.B.T. Beaters are in for an immersive experience guided by true beer amateurs. What sets these journeys apart is the selection of guides selected from the active user community of beer rating sites, with some boasting an impressive 42,000 beer ratings! This unique approach not only adds a personal touch to the beer-tasting experience but also showcases the collaborative spirit of community-driven exploration.

B.A.B.T. Beaters:

MMMMagnificent Four:

Did you really think that the members of the BTA were going to dump you in the four corners of the world without any information? Well, you don't know us! In fact, we've arranged for you to visit the best brewery in each country you'll be travelling to. On top of that, we've also put you in touch with the most active reviewer in each of your destinations, should you have any questions or need advice!

In the end, both groups embarked on their respective journeys, each unique, each reflective of the diverse tastes and preferences within. And as the stories unfolded, one truth became clear – at BTA, every beer lover's voice, whether bold or subtle, dense or expansive, had its place in the grand chorus of beer exploration. Cheers to the tapestry of flavors, the diversity of choices, and the joy of discovering the world one sip at a time! 🍻

We hope this program has convinced you to trust us and let us organize your dream trip! Life's too short for bland beer and staying in one place. BTA - Because every beer deserves a passport stamp and every journey is a fusion of adventures! 🌍 ✈️ Cheers to the ultimate Beer Trip, with the seal of approval from RateBeer, BeerAdvocate and the BTA team. 😊